Virtual Reality: Assessment and Training

Experience Learning in a New Reality with VR Driver Training

Driver assessment and training in Virtual Reality

Our VR driver training tools offer your drivers a realistic, immersive and engaging 360-degree opportunity to experience driving on the road, all within the safety of a virtual reality headset. By using a 360-degree view, drivers can look left and right at junctions, check their mirrors and blind spots, providing an opportunity to expose them to a greater range of hazards.

We have a range of driver assessment and training tools, tailored to car, van and HGV drivers, which are available in virtual reality. We even have the scientific evidence to show that these tools are at least as good as, if not better than traditional tests. But don’t just take our word for it – check out the published report here!

An image of a man participating in our vr driver training
Screenshot from our vr driver training HGV hazard prediction test

Virtual Reality: assessment

Our Virtual Reality assessments use 360-degree footage filmed from real vehicles to measure drivers hazard awareness skill and risk-taking propensities to identify driver risk. By identifying your drivers’ strengths and weaknesses you can manage their risk in a proactive way and provide targeted training to reduce their risk levels more effectively.

Virtual Reality: training

Developed in collaboration with expert trainers, our VR driver training modules use a variety of proven training techniques to educate and enhance drivers’ understanding of safer driving, ultimately leading to safer roads and saving lives.

Screenshot from our VR driver training for HGVs

Are you ready to take your driver training to the next level?

Our friendly team are here to help!


Call us on 0115 648 1883, or click the button below to connect.